The Erasmus+ project "Enhancing Institutional Capacities for Policy Engagement for Green and Digital Transitions" is funded by the European Commission and is being carried out by the Rhine-Main Universities together with five European partners.
The project, which will run from October 2023 to March 2026, will pilot and implement various dialogue and meeting formats, create good practice examples, a policy engagement toolkit and training materials for conducting face-to-face and virtual workshops. The activities are aimed at researchers at all career levels (R1-R4), students and representatives from politics, administration and practice.
ENGAGEgreen seeks to enhance researchers' knowledge, skills, and competencies for policy engagement, thereby supporting effective knowledge transfer for evidence-infomed policy-making in the areas of environment, fight against climate change, and digital transformation. Additionally, the project will strenthen universities' instututional capacities of policy engagement as they will be able to offer innovative trainings in these areas for researchers, students, and research managers.
ENGAGEgreen will pilot innovative, science-policy dialogue initiatives to build long-term networks between scientists and policy-making professionals and create best practice examples. A virtual toolkit and related training sessions will inform researchers, research managers, and students about instruments and structures of policy engagement in the areas of green and digital transitions. Our dissemination efforts will inform key stakeholders about the potential of policy engagement.
Our work packages target activities in the areas of environment, fight against climate change, and digital transformation. Work package 1 being the project management, the other four work packages are: