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Interview with Professor Reyn van Ewijk

Writer: Tome SandevskiTome Sandevski

Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk

Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk is Professor of Statistics and Econometrics at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. He has a background in economics, psychology and epidemiology. In his research, he applies econometric statistical methods, in particular so-called natural experiments, to study human health. He uses

large databases such as biobanks and register data.


Professor von Ewijk, in the summer of 2021 you provided the German Academy of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine / umbrella organization of pediatric and adolescent medical societies with information for a statement for the Federal Constitutional Court. How did the contact come about (e.g. prior collaboration or did the professional association google you)?

Did you have the necessary information at hand when you received the request or did you have to do more research yourself? (In other words: Was providing the information time-consuming? Background: Many researchers think that practice engagement is time-consuming. Was it data, literature references?)

At the end of 2021, you published an analysis on the containment effect of schools on the spread of Sars-Cov-2. What was the key message of your analysis?

The topic of school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic has been the subject of much controversy in Germany. Were you worried that your study would push you into a political corner?

Did the media pick up on their findings?

Have you received any feedback from politicians?


The questions were asked by Tome Sandevski. He heads the policy engagement unit at Goethe-University Frankfurt, where he coordinates the joint policy engagement projects of the Rhine-Main-Universities Goethe-University Frankfurt, Technical University Darmstadt and Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.


Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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